Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"It takes a village to raise a child..."

I had heard that phrase/ quote awhile back, well back when I did not have any children.  Now, I can really understand it after three years of wonderful and sometimes challenging parenthood.  What can we say about year number 3?
I can start by saying that her cognitive development has exploded tremendously.  She talks in full sentences and not like a parrot.  She makes her sentences according to what is going around her.  Like the other day she said to me:
 "Let's open the polka dot present." Once we opened it.
"What is this letter", she said.
 "I don't know", I said.
"It looks like me that the letter is a g, a big G", she said.
" I think you are right", I said.
She had a huge smile because she knew her letters.

Yes, she knows all the letters, numbers up to about 27, can count backwards, lots of shapes, recognizes her name and knows that her name starts with an A.  She knows lots of colors.  Loves to say stories and to be told stories.  It has exploded.  Now, with that explosion comes her realization that she has to follow some rules.  Yes, toddlers do not like to follow too many rules.  So, we got a few tantrums here and there.  Thank God it was not that bad, but I hear that "terrible 3's" are worst than "terrible 2's".  I guess God willing we will know if it is true.

So here is the list of things that Arianna liked this year: (Not in order)

1.  TAPE. TApe. TaPe. tape. TapE.  Anyway you write it.
2.  To fingerpaint.
3.  Books.  Those are still one of her favorites.  Her imagination has reached a new level.
     Dr. Suess's Books.  The crayola box (book).  Tales of Peter Rabbit and Peter Cottontail and the           Valveteen's Rabbit.
4.  Softies.  Purple Dog.  Blue squirrel.  Charly Bear.  Fisherman's Bear.
5.  Dollhouses.
6.  Gum balls.
7.  Colors.
8.  Swing.
9.  Playing with Grandma.
10.  Purple dressers, purple shirts, purple pants.
11.  Little Bear.  Wow Wow Wubbzy. Team umizoomi.
12.  Jamie's Birthday Card. (musical)
13.  Beginning to like puzzles (more pieces)
14.  Little pony.
15. Legos.


1.  "I can't see  it, but I know is in there"
2.  "I can't go to bed now Papa.  I need to wait for the moon"
3.  "There is no vacation for mamas"
4.  "It is ok mama".
5.  "I love my cousins".

And I will end with a Thank You to everyone that has helped us one way or other to continue to be the best family that we can be.  And I promised the next post will be about her birthday party :)

1 comment:

Jane said...

It's wonderful to see how much she's been growing! It was almost like taking a walk down memory lane. Sometimes I sit here and wonder how the years zoomed by so fast. Enjoy every moment!