Sunday, March 21, 2010

52 Project - #9 Cricut Expression Machine

For this week I did a little of everything ...

1 ) I did something that I wanted to do in awhile now.  I was given for my Christmas gift (2-3 years ago) a Cricut.  I am big in Scrapbook and making my own cards so after wanting it for more than 2 years, I broke down and bought the biggest one.   They had an awesome deal for Black Friday so I could not resist anymore.  Then, I used it for awhile  - after a few months I started to get myself into other things and the poor Cricut just stayed there - waiting to be used again.

Thanks to my friend Tok I was able to get back to it.  Picked up the instructions booklet to refresh myself and I started playing with it.  Love it all over again! I made leaves, flowers, words, hello kitty, etc...! but I did not take pictures of them yet.  This is the first part of a scrapbook book that I am doing and will take more than a week! But, I was able to rearrange my cricut area so it is easy to get to it.  You know that is the key to it.  Promise lots of pictures next time!

2 )I am also doing another doll for someone that loved the one I made last time.  So, it is a gift, but she does not know that is coming her way ;) (I will post pictures of her  [ doll ] as well)

3)  I am getting ready for spring.  Bought this beautiful Liberty of London Water Can at Target + some bird houses + Squirrels feeders + a new water bath for the birds and went around the yard setting it up, the birds loved it! 


Lis said...

bravo for returning to your passion! and pictures please, lots of pictures so we can encourage you to make more! (and because i have no idea what a cricut expression machine is!)

Jane said...

That sounds like an amazing machine and I can't wait to see some photos!

Annie Z said...

Nice that you are getting ready for spring. Lots of projects can emerge from this one!

ros said...

you got the watering pot!!! My store did not have them. I am not jealous...I am not jealous...I am not...

brandi said...

~i can hardly wait to see what you created...l♥ve the liberty dainty and sweet...brightest blessings~

MrB said...

I love machines!