Leigh Ann remember this toy? You gave it to me in the baby shower. Now, it finally sits on the fridge and Arianna loves it when it is moving. She keeps saying circle, circle, ....
Now, this is a photo of 6 friends that attended high school together. It only took 18 years for this picture? (L-R, T - B) Lubia, Rosaura, Eufemia, Me, Rosalva.
Alma we need to get the masa and the queso Oaxaca so we can do some really good Quesadillas! I love the taste of the zucchini's flower.
Can you see the top of the carrots? I am not sure if they are ready or not. I may pulled one out to see if we can finally get some.
Begonia. The first one to come from our bulbs. I hope I get more. I like how the flower has so many dimensions, can you tell it looks even nicer with some of the drops of water?
Elephant's ears. Arianna loves these leaves. They are kind of purple, and purple is her favorite color so far.
Anyone some purple pepper? I'd never seen or pay attention to this color. I know there were some red, yellow, green, and orange, but no purple. I am waiting to see what kind of taste it will have.
What to do with a poor tree that died and a huge trunk left for evidence? How about a beautiful flower arrangement. Yeah, that is what Our neighbor's did. It looks awesome.
This is the tree in the front of the house. It turns purple on May and yellow on the fall. It is really pretty, maybe next year I will focus somewhat in front of the house. Still needs some changes.
Side yard. We have some hostas, peonies, and a flower bush that I cannot find what it is yet. It is really nice, but unfortunately we do not use it much. Maybe one day I will extend our fence farther so we can incorporate this part and use it more.
Huge honeysuckel in the side yard. I guess the previous owners loved this vine/bush so much that we have 3. All three slightly different color, but equally beautiful.
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