Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Browsing for ideas for a friend I came across this set that was being auctioned at ebay.  I loved it (even thought it is missing 2 states which I will complete myself).  It has 2 things that I love - flowers and cross stitch.  Even more, the cross stitch part can be done in parts.  Not a big piece of fabric to start with, excellent size to put away and have close by when I get a bit of time.  I can try to set a goal of 1 or 2 flowers per month and not feel overwhelm.  The only problem? A lot of people want it.  Maybe for the same reasons? So, I bid as much as I will pay for it and went to work (the auction ended while I was at work).  So, I did not know until next day if I won or not. 
As you can tell, I did :)  I looked everywhere else for the set and I could not see it.  I know the set was made in Denmark awhile back, but I don't know the year.  This as you can imagine will be a big project and I will start as soon as I decide what type of fabric to get.  Yeah, it is an indulgence... but I hope to make it into a quilt for keeps.  Now I set myself for the record.  ;)

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