Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bad mama!

Yesterday, we went shopping for an obligatory suit. I called obligatory because I really don't like to shop for clothes. Maybe if it was easier to find some in my size, I will change my mind. Anyway, after about almost 2 hours, we were on our way to our house. Traffic was a nightmare, worst than usual. This guy cut me off, and if I don't hit my breaks I would have hit him big time. Then, because of this, I got a yellow light so I slam on the brakes. Mike told me that I had enough time to go. After so many cameras in each corner trying to get you for a 100 dollars ticket, well you learn to hit your breaks. So, let's say we were frazzled. So, I said the big "WTF" (Mind you I used to never, ever swear before, but my language has some color in the past years- mostly S### or the WTF). I am trying to stop.
But, the point of my story here is that 2 seconds later, our darling said " What fuck?". Now, I have to say that it was funny, but we did not laugh. I don't want my child to pick those words. At least not yet. So, I said no sweety, not a good word and we were quite the rest of the ride.
Then, home about 30 minutes later. I am trying to put her down for a nap. She does not want to go just yet. She loves books too much sometimes. So, she says not to me, but in an exasperated tone to herself " What fuck?". Well, I am glad that she understand the context, but no.... no swearing in this house. I said no sweety, not a nice word. She has not said it. Me neither. So, now my new word will be "Cheetos". Yeah, that is safe.


Ron Nelson said...

Foul language is a Nelson tradition. At least now *I* won't get yelled at for swearing around her. :-)

Ann said...

oh man, that's hilarious. I guess it's time to clean up our language around her!

Tiffany said...

We've done it too. I try quick fixes, like "DUCK" "PUCK" or "HITCH" or "MIT" "SIT". Once I say the new word a few times, he never repeats it again.

They pick up everything. When my mother looses it, often, he repeats everything bad she says, which makes me want to KILL, as it's very inconsiderate as she knows she's swearing in front of him, not even an accident.

At least yours was an accident!

Erika (for Arianna :) said...

I tried to fix it and started saying chuck, chuck...

Erika (for Arianna :) said...

I forgot in my story to write that I said chuck,chuck - my comment from above until Tiffany reminded me with her comment!